Tuesday, May 22, 2007

DowieGateDisgrace.........The Very Latest!

Crystal Palace chairman Simon Jordan must wait to see if he has won his bitter legal row with former manager Iain Dowie.

Their eight-day High Court battle ended on Tuesday - but the judge has withheld his decision over Dowie being sued for alleged "fraudulent misrepresentations".

Dowie's barrister Michael McParland this week dismissed claims that his client had discussed the Charlton job before he left Palace.

*However two days before he left he had talked to Charlton chairman Richard Murray, but Mr McParland said that did not mean Dowie had been spoken to about taking charge of the club.

*Mr McParland added that Preston boss Billy Davies had already been lined up for the Charlton hotseat, although he later declined the move.

*The barrister said Murray had phoned about possible player signings for Charlton.

*He said Dowie could NOT afford to "offend" a Premiership chairman by NOT taking the call.

*It was also revealed that Dowie had started writing a document called "Advancing the Addicks" - before he left Palace.

But the barrister said this did NOT mean he had talked about getting a job at the club.

John Davies QC,for Jordan, said there had been "five representations" that caused his client to waive the clause that required compensation should Dowie leave:

1/ He said Palace's line had been "consistent" from May 10 last year onwards when Jordan made it clear that Dowie could go,but only on the basis he was returning to the north.

2/ Mr Davies also disagreed with Mr McParland's claim that Charlton had lined up Billy Davies as manager when there was initial contact between Dowie and Murray.

3/ The court was also told that Dowie had been "mis-taken" when he said in a press conference to announce he would be joining Charlton that there had been no contact about the job when he was still at Palace.

4/ The court was also told that, on May 16 last year, Dowie considered himself "free" to talk about becoming Derby County manager, even though the agreement to terminate his contract at Palace had NOT been signed off.

5/ Mr Davies said the fact Dowie was talking to Derby at that early stage made it more likely that he had also spoken to Charlton about the managerial position at The Valley.

Mr Justice Tugendhat said he would reserve his decision in the case until a later, unspecified date.

DowieGateDisgrace.........Court Day Eight

Round Eight - Day Eight - Tuesday 22nd May 2007

In Court today...

Former Eagles boss Iain Dowie could not have spoken to Charlton about becoming their manager when he left Crystal Palace because someone else was poised to get the job, the High Court heard today.

As those following the case will be aware, Dowie had a clause in his contract to the effect that if he left to join another club, Palace would be due £1million compensation.

Palace chairman Simon Jordan says he agreed to waive the clause when Mr Dowie left because he had stated he wanted to move nearer to his family in Bolton.

Within days Mr Dowie had joined Charlton.

Today, as both sides began their final submissions, Mr Dowie's barrister, Michael McParland, dismissed claims that his client had discussed the Charlton job before he left Palace.

The court heard Mr Dowie had spoken to Charlton chairman, Richard Murray, two days before leaving Palace, NOT about taking charge of the Addicks but about players.

Mr McParland said that was because Mr Murray already had another man lined up for the job - former Preston North End manager Billy Davies.

In the end, Mr Davies changed his mind, but Mr McParland said that would NOT have been known to Mr Murray at the time he spoke to Mr Dowie.

Mr McParland also said Mr Murray phoned Mr Dowie on May 22 last year - the day he left Palace - to find out the time of the press conference announcing his departure as he was keen to watch it on TV.

And the judge heard from Mr McParland that, just because Mr Dowie had started writing a document called "Advancing the Addicks" before he left Palace, it did NOT mean he had talked about getting a job at the club.

Tale of the Tape: Dowie 6, Jordan 7
Temperature: Sticky with varying winds. Outlook uncertain but cloudy with plenty of mist & haze in the atmosphere 23*C

We await the outcome...

Friday, May 18, 2007

DowieGateDisgrace.........Court Day Seven

Round Seven - Day Seven - Friday 18th May 2007

In Court today...

The final witness in Crystal Palace's marathon legal battle has denied approaching their former manager Iain Dowie before he had formally left the club.

Taking the stand today, Charlton Athletic chairman Richard Murray denied approaching Mr Dowie for an interview before he left Palace on May 22 last year.

Mr Dowie is being sued by Palace for alleged 'fraudulent misrepresentation' when he left the club last summer and joined bitter rivals Charlton Athletic.

However, Mr Murray said he had phoned Mr Dowie before he left Palace and suggested meeting up after a press conference announcing he would be leaving Selhurst Park, although he insisted he had not made any mention of him becoming Charlton's manager.

Mr Dowie says he thought Mr Murray wanted to talk about Palace players who would be of interest to Charlton.

At the time, the Addicks were looking for a replacement for long-term boss Alan Curbishley, but Mr Murray said that then Preston North End manager Billy Davies was in the frame.

"I did want to meet him," said Mr Murray, who admitted his call could have been viewed as a "nod and wink" to Mr Dowie that he would be considered for Charlton.

But he added: "As I have said many times, he was not my first choice. Billy Davies was. But I was not going to say, 'You are totally ruled out'."
Mr Dowie had a clause in his contract to the effect that if he left to join another club, Palace would be due £1million compensation.

Palace chairman Simon Jordan says that, as a gesture of good will, he agreed to waive that clause when Mr Dowie left because he had stated he wanted to move nearer to his wife and family in Bolton.

Within days, Mr Dowie had joined Charlton.

Mr Dowie says the compromise agreement was a "clean break" under which Palace dispensed with his services and avoided having to pay him substantial contractual entitlements.

Mr Justice Tugendhat adjourned proceedings until Tuesday. He is expected to reserve his judgment in the case after he has heard closing arguments.

Tale of the Tape: Dowie 6, Jordan 6
Temperature: Rather a lot of cloud & a plenty of 'hot air' 20*C

The case continues on Tuesday 22nd May...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

DowieGateDisgrace...........Court Day Six

Round Six - Day Six - Wednesday 16th May 2007

In Court today...

Iain Dowie claimed his bitter £2 million High Court wrangle with Crystal Palace chairman Simon Jordan has destroyed his managerial reputation.

The former Crystal Palace manager spoke of the "very abusive, ultra-aggressive, demeaning and angry" telephone call with chairman Simon Jordan that signalled the end of his time at the club.

He told a top judge that he was prepared for Mr Jordan to be "upset" after the club failed to win promotion to the Premiership in May 2006.

And, from past experience, he also said he knew that the club chairman "would be aggressive and outspoken".

But Dowie told the High Court: "I was not prepared for the way that Simon spoke to me on the telephone and the very abusive, ultra-aggressive, demeaning and angry nature of the call."

"Simon shouted and swore at me constantly."

"I was used to Simon being aggressive and swearing, but this was by far the worst I had ever experienced either by Simon or generally in my time in football."

Dowie is being sued by Palace for alleged 'fraudulent misrepresentations' when he left the club last summer and joined Charlton Athletic.

He told the court: "The litany of personal abuse didn't help my chances of finding work after I left Charlton."

Tale of the Tape: Dowie 7, Jordan 6
Temperature: Damp start but brighter with sunny spells by mid-afternoon 21*C

The case continues on Friday 18th May...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

DowieGateDisgrace...........Court Day Five

Round Five - Day Five - Tuesday 15th May 2007

In Court today...

Former Crystal Palace manager Iain Dowie told a court there was nothing in the agreement he had with the club that prevented him moving to Charlton.

Giving evidence at the High Court Mr Dowie said the "compromise agreement" under which he left the club meant he gave up his claim to "a potentially large sum of money" by foregoing bonuses on player transfer profits and any claim for compensation over the ending of his contract.

He also told the court his reputation had been severely damaged by Palace chairman Simon Jordan repeatedly calling him a liar in the media.

Mr Dowie is being sued by Crystal Palace who say he made "fraudulent misrepresentations" when he left the side last summer and joined rivals Charlton Athletic.

The 42-year-old had a clause in his contract which stated if he left to join another club his new bosses would pay Palace £1million in compensation.

Palace chairman Simon Jordan said he waived the clause as a gesture of good will because Mr Dowie said he wanted to move closer to his family in Bolton.

Within days of leaving Palace he was appointed as Charlton manager, but was dismissed after just 12 matches in charge. He is now at Coventry City.

But Mr Dowie insists he never said he would be "moving back up north" nor was there any limitation in his contract on him working for any other club in the future, including Charlton.

Mr Dowie said the "new regime" he introduced after taking charge at Palace had reversed the decline in player performances and team morale, culminating in the club's promotion to the Premiership for the 2004/2005 season.

Palace were relegated on the last day of the season - after drawing 2-2 with Charlton - and, in the 2005/06 season the club almost made it back into the Premiership after qualifying for the play-off semi-finals, before losing out to Watford.

Mr Dowie said the club had benefited financially since his arrival, including an extra £25million in TV revenues and about £7million in "parachute" payments from the Premiership.
He also said "he had improved player performance, making them more valuable."

Mr Dowie claims he was contacted by Charlton chairman, Richard Murray, on May 17 last year but he did NOT believe it was until May 22 - after he had signed the compromise agreement to leave Palace - that they had "contact regarding the Charlton Athletic job".

Mr Dowie told the court: "I believe that I have acted properly and honestly at all times. I entered a compromise agreement and waived very significant salary, bonuses and benefits under my contract in return for Crystal Palace waiving a compensation clause payable if I joined another club."

"There were no restrictions in that compromise agreement on where I could work and I found a new job at Charlton Athletic. I did not make any representations to Simon Jordan, false or otherwise, that I would only work in the north of England, or that that was the only reason why I was leaving Crystal Palace."

"He knew this was not the case."

Tale of the Tape: Dowie 6, Jordan 6
Temperature: Dull but getting progressively warmer 20*C

The case continues...

DowieGateDisgrace...........Court Day Four

Round Four - Day Four - Monday 14th May 2007

In Court today...

Former Crystal Palace manager Iain Dowie entered the witness box in the High Court today (Monday) to deny suggestions that he set out to 'concoct a false story' about his reasons for leaving the club.

Dowie, contesting Palace's £1million compensation claim over his move to rivals Charlton, was challenged by Palace's barrister to explain discrepancies in his account of what happened.

John Davies QC pointed out that he (Dowie) had initially stated at a press conference that he had "no contact whatsoever" with Charlton before his departure from Selhurst Park on May 22 last year and that the first conversation he had with them was two days later.

That was not true, as was evident from subsequent disclosure of his mobile phone bills.
Dowie, 42, admitted he made factual mistakes at a press conference days after he left the club.
He told Mr Justice Tugendhat his initial recollection was incorrect, but his prior contact with Charlton was NOT about the managership.

His first call from Charlton regarding the manager's job was in fact on the evening of May 22.

Asked why he got his dates wrong, he replied: "We all make mistakes."

Mr Davies said: "Or was it because it was your first attempt to concoct a false story?"
Dowie replied: "No, there was no attempt to concoct a story. I got the dates wrong. It was a mistake. I have nothing to cover up."

Palace chairman Simon Jordan has accused Dowie of lying when he said his reason for leaving the club was to be nearer his family in the north of England.

Jordan says he would never have waived Palace's contractual right to £1 million compensation if he had known the manager was planning to move to The Valley a few miles away.

Dowie, whose home is in Bolton, is now in charge at Coventry.

Dowie said his relationship with Jordan was very good, although he agreed with Mr Davies that, when two strong characters clashed, sparks could fly.

But he denied the suggestion that his reason for negotiating his way out of the £1 million clause in his employment contract was to make himself more attractive to another club.

He said he had many "vitriolic" conversations with Jordan during his time with Palace, and was "used to it."

But their final telephone conversation, which led to his leaving, was "much worse".
He denied that his reason for negotiating his way out of the clause was to make himself more attractive to another club.

The court also heard how Dowie insisted he was entitled to a five per cent transfer fee of Palace players Andy Johnson and Wayne Routledge although both had been signed before he joined.

Mr Dowie argued he had helped 'develop' both players.

Tale of the Tape: Dowie 6, Jordan 7
Temperature: Liar, liar pants on fire! 23*C

The case continues...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

'Legal Eagles'.............DowieGateDisgrace. Court Days One, Two & Three

Simon 'Robert Redford' Jordan Versus Iain 'Debra Winger' Dowie

Presiding is:- Justice Tugendhat.

Venue - Court 16 of the High Court.

In the Dock - Simon 'Bob' Jordan - Crystal Palace Football Club chairman & owner and Iain 'Debra' Dowie - Former Palace manager and now current manager of Coventry City F.C.

Mr Dowie's barrister:- Michael McParland.
Crystal Palace's barrister:- John Davies QC

Witness - Peter 'Reg' Varney - Charlton Athletic chief-executive
Witness - Richard 'Dicky' Murray Charlton Athletic chairman

The details outlining the case:

Crystal Palace's £1million legal battle against former manager Iain Dowie started in the High Court today.

Crystal Palace chairman Simon Jordan has accused Dowie of "fraudulent misrepresentation" when he negotiated his departure from the club a year ago and is suing Dowie for damages in excess of £1million.

Round One - Day One - Wednesday 9th May 2007

In Court today...

Jordan's evidence was that that Dowie (the manager) was released from his contract and as a gesture of goodwill, Jordan (the chairman) agreed to waive the clause in Dowie's contract to the effect that, if he left to join another club, his new bosses would pay Palace £1million in compensation, purely and simply because Dowie was homesick and wanted to move closer to his family in Bolton.
But eight days later, Dowie was appointed manager of Charlton - just a few miles down the road in South London.
In addition it is being alleged that Dowie in his senior position at Selhurst Park, owed the club a "fiduciary duty", or the highest duty of care, which ranked above his own interests.

Jordan admitted in evidence he fell out with Charlton over Addicks vice-chairman Richard Murray's comments, "enjoy the Championship, tosser" and "do you want a fight" when their 2-2 draw at The Valley in 2005 sealed Palace's relegation.

Jordan said: "As a result I would NOT do anything knowingly to assist Charlton."
But he added: "I assure the court I commenced this litigation intending to pursue it for proper purposes to recover compensation."

Dowie's lawyers claimed the Palace owner bought the case just to get back at Charlton.
Dowie himself denied he intended to join fierce rivals Charlton when he departed and has insisted he never publicly stated he wanted to leave the club to be nearer his family, and that he was in fact hounded out by Jordan.

In a show of yet more vintage Jordan song and dance, he then sent a henchman to hijack the Charlton press conference called to unveil Dowie as the new Charlton boss, and he issued the former West Ham man with a writ despite several attempts to banish him from the room. All of which was televised live by Sky.
(Even if I have to say so myself, the action and timing of the issuing of that writ by Jordan was in itself, undeniably a publicity masterstroke of monumental proportions!)

Dowie was sacked by Charlton after only 12 Premiership games in charge.
Charlton are not being sued but their chief executive Peter Varney is a witness in the case.

Counterclaims for defamation & breach of contract could follow.

Tale of the Tape: Dowie 6, Jordan 7
Temperature: Warming up nicely: 21*C

The case continues...

Round Two - Day Two - Thursday 10th May 2007

In Court today:

Palace reiterated that Dowie "made representations of fact which were knowingly false" when he said his reason for leaving was to go north.

In his written defence statement Dowie said that the compromise was a "clean break" with Palace letting him leave thus avoiding having to pay him substantial contractual entitlements.

The statement continued: "Unfortunately for Mr. Dowie, Mr. Jordan has a particular dislike of Charlton, Mr. Murray and their fans. In reality, Mr.Jordan's dislike of Charlton and a desire to damage that club, given that Mr. Dowie became their manager, was a particular motivation for bringing this action."

Jordan was so livid with the comments made to him by Charlton vice-chairman Murray after the 2-2 game, that he urged Dowie NOT to join a club "which was dancing on our f-ing graves."

Tale of the Tape: Dowie 5, Jordan 6
Temperature: Dull and overcast: 19*C

The case continues...

Round Three - Day Three - Friday 11th May 2007

In Court today :

Simon Jordan who was in the witness box for five hours, denied telling the lads' mag FHM he "hated" Iain Dowie but then admitted he "couldn't stand" his former manager.
What I said was that "I couldn't stand Iain Dowie," but it was 'tongue in cheek,' and said in a 'jocular' tone of voice.
But he admitted he told Dowie he did not like working with him and accused him of a "lack of respect."

Jordon also denied that he refused to give Dowie a decent transfer budget.
Jordan claimed he turned down Dowie targets Tim Cahill and Michael Carrick over agent's fees demands.

Jordan continued by saying when he offered to watch a video of a match with Dowie to discuss players, Jordon claimed: Iain said "under NO circumstances am I going to watch matches with you. If you want to manage, do your coaching badges."
Jordan added he did NOT want to sack Dowie, even after a heated telephone conversation following Palace's semi-final play-off defeat last season.
He said: "I told Iain in the past I did NOT enjoy working with him but I do have great regard for him as a coach and to lose him before this season - such a critical season - was a bloody disaster."

Dowie's barrister, Michael McParland, then put it to Mr Jordan that he had "no respect" for the legal system, an allegation he denied.

Mr McParland referred to other parts of the FHM article in which Jordan had said that it was "hilarious" that Tara Stout, who was convicted of stalking him, had spent extra time on remand in prison because he postponed a court hearing due to business commitments.

Arguing that he had been "misrepresented" in the article, Mr Jordan denied using the word "hilarious".

But Mr McParland insisted: "You thought you had pulled a stroke."

Jordan replied: "I was busy. I was otherwise engaged."

The barrister continued: "You made her life difficult."

Jordan said: "That's not my concern, what the legal system does. It's not my jurisdiction."

Mr McParland asked: "You misused the system because you wanted to punish her. You made a big joke of it in a lads' mag."

Jordan replied: "No I didn't. I may have said it is ironic. I'd had 18 months of systematic abuse."

Tale of the Tape: Dowie 8, Jordan 7
Temperature: Fire up that BBQ: 23*C

The case continues...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Fit To Drink...If You Care! - All Inclusive Beer Almanac- Summer is almost upon us!Good news for Beer Drinkers that care

After sex, there's nothing most guys think about more than-a tall, cool one. And for good reasons. That refreshing amber blend of hops and grain may be the most perfect liquid creation known to man. That s why, in celebration of lagers, ales, pilsners everywhere, here is 'The All-Inclusive Beer Almanac.'
It's a guide designed to enlighten you to all the ways your favorite-beverage can improve your life [beyond just helping you escape it for a few hours). Read, Retain & and relax. Your next round is covered.



A love of beer and the ability to maintain washboard abs are not mutually exclusive. You can have both. And there's science to back it up. When researchers in the Czech Republic (a country known for having the greatest per capita beer consumption on the planet) studied the beer-guzzling habits of a group of men and women riving within the region, they found absolutely no evidence that drinking beer makes for flabbier abs. Within reason, of course.

The point of the study wasn't that you can drink as much beer as you want without getting fat-because you can't. Calories are calories, regardless of where they're coming from. Rather, the significance of the study is it shows that drinking beer is not a pre-requisit to accumulating fat around your abdomen. Keep your calories in check throughout the day by altering what you eat or by burning off a few hundred extra, and you should have no problem staying lean while also getting moderately smashed.
Here's how:


Planning on partying? A balanced meal before an evening at the bar will help fill you up-And, since food slows the absorption of alcohol, a well-timed meal can help minimize the severity of hangovers.) Aim for a good mix of protein and high-fiber carbs--a small whole-wheat sandwich plus a piece of fruit is ideal. Besides helping slightly slow down the rate at which you chug, a quick meal will also keep your hunger under control later in the evening--when your resolve is at its weakest - to avoid devouring fattening, stodgy mid-evening bar snacks or late night kebabs . Why does that matter? In a study from Denmark, researchers found that guys who sat down to all-you-can-eat meals ate significantly more when they drank beer or wine with their food than when they ate while sober.


As drinkers go, beer fans have the upper hand on maintaining a lean bod. That's because, with beer, it's easy to keep tabs on the number of calories you're taking in: approximately 300 in a pint of regular beer. Sipping cocktails, on the other hand, is a much greater challenge. A booze-laden Long Island Iced Tea, for example, can set you back more than 500 calories--the equivalent of a Big Mac. And unless you make the drink yourself, it's almost impossible to know what you're getting, since the ratio of sugary mixers and alcohol can vary so much. Use that knowledge to your advantage when you hit the bar and calculate just how many calories you can afford to blow.


Double-fisted drinking is never a bad thing--especially when your other drink is water or diet soda. Non-alcoholic drinks can help keep your partying in check by slowing down the speed at which you inhale your true beverage of choice. And nobody's even likely to notice what you're doing if you time your orders right. Start your evening with a bottle of water and a load of abuse from your pals with your first drink of the evening, and use it to quench your thirst. Then move on to your beer. Keep ordering both throughout the evening so you always have the ability to alternate between the two. The only rule: Don't place a new order until both your bottles are empty. That way, you can drink all night long--and end up taking in half as many calories as you normally would. Cut back just four pints of beer a week and you'll save yourself the caloric equivalent of nearly nine pounds of fat in a year.


Despite your best intentions, there are always going to be times when you slip up and do overindulge. But don't take the damage lying down. Fight back and hit the gym. Or head outside. We've rounded up 10 relatively quick and easy ways for an average 150-pound guy to burn away an extra 300 calories--the equivalent of two or three beers. (Heavier guys can do slightly less work and burn a bit more.)


Cycling (10 mph) 50 minutes

Running/jogging (5 mph) 30 minutes

Soccer (competitive) 30 minutes

Swimming 43 minutes
(slow freestyle laps)

Walking (4.5 mph) 48 minutes

Gardening 50-55 minutes
(mowing the lawn)

Golfing (walking and 67 minutes
carrying clubs)

Boxing (punching bag) 50 minutes


Number of gallons of beer the average guy drinks each year, compared with just 2.3 gallons of wine and 1.4 gallons of alcohol spirits.

Good for What Ales You

Beer doesn't just taste good--it's also good for you. The key, however, is moderation. A few brews every night and you get the potent mix of alcohol and hops researchers have shown can help with everything from fighting disease to keeping your heart in peak condition. (Too much, of course, and you end up an alcoholic with a liver that's as hard as a pony keg.) For optimal benefits, aim for one to two pints a day--. (Although you shouldn't overdo it nightly, a few extra bevies on Fridays and Saturdays probably won't hurt.) Aside from giving you a well-deserved buzz, all that drinking should help you to...

REDUCE YOUR RISK FOR HEART ATTACK AND STROKE | Drinking beer has been shown to raise HDL cholesterol (the good kind), reduce the formation of artery-clogging blood clots, and quell the inflammation that can contribute to heart disease.

FIGHT TYPE-2 DIABETES | In a 12-year study of more than 46,000 men, researchers at Harvard found that guys who drank moderately had a 36% lower risk of diabetes than those who didn't drink at all.

DODGE ALZHEIMER'S | Drinking doesn't just ease your stress, it could help keep you sane. When researchers at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital University compared the mental health of people who drink with that of people who don't, they found that folks who imbibed one to six drinks a week were significantly more likely to keep their marbles later in life than those who didn't.

BUILD STRONGER BONES | The hops in beer supply the body with a hefty dose of silicon--a mineral that's crucial for maintaining both density and strength of bones.

CANCEL OUT CANCER | Beer is packed with polyphenols--potent plant compounds that have been shown to help slow the growth of cancer cells and boost the body's production of cancer-fighting enzymes. The darker the brew, the more polyphenols it packs.


* Going to break the seal? Put your napkin or coaster on top of your glass--that way, the bartender will know you're coming back and won't clear your spot.

* Tired of the coaster or napkin slicking to the bottom of your beer and then falling into your lap every time you take a chug? Sprinkle some salt on the coaster and it'll stay put.

* Want the best service? Tip as you go--and don't just drop pocket change. As little as a buck a beer will ensure your beer mug is never empty. (If you think that's too steep, consider that the average tip is I5%, 20%, and most beers are in the $4-$5 range.)

* Beer too cold? "Most U.S. draft beer is about live degrees too cold, particularly if you want to enjoy a beer with a bigger flavor profile," says Sam Adams founder and brewer. Jim Koch. His solution: Simply wrap your hands around the glass or bottle for one to two minutes.

* Too much foam? Sprinkle some salt in your beer to reduce the carbonation.

* Wondering why you always get so much head? (On your beer, that is.) It's because you dump your beer bottle into the center of the mug, which causes the carbon dioxide to release too fast. Instead, tilt your mug and slowly pour the beer down the side of the glass. By the time you hit the top, you'll have a perfect half inch of foam. If you're pouring beer from a tap, use the same technique, but be sure to pull the tap handle all the way out. Ask any bartender: The No. 1 mistake amateurs make is to pull the tap handle out halfway, which results in all head--and in this case, that's a bad thing.



1 THE MOST POTENT: Sam Adams Utopias | At 50 proof, this brew is ranked by Guinness World Records as the world's strongest beer. With no carbonation and a malty, maple-syrup flavor that's similar to that of port wine, it's more like a fine sipping liqueur than a chuggable beer. It's currently available in select liquor stores and on eBay, but you can expect to see another release of this aged batch in the near future.

2 THE SPICIEST: Cave Creek Chili Beer I With a real chili pepper in each bottle, this Arizona brew is hot. More of a novelty beer, it will burn a hole in your stomach if you drink more than one or two. Check your local liquor stores.

3 THE MOST UN-BEERLIKE: Lindermans Kriek Cherry Lambic | This dark red, Belgian beer is almost like a cherry soda: sweet, highly carbonated, and distinctly cherry-flavored. But it still has that dry under-taste that lets you know it's a beer. You can find Lindemans in most liquor stores.

4 BEER WITH A KICK: Dogfish Head Chicory Stout I Remember when Drew Carey created Buzz beer, a mix of coffee and beer? The brewing world took note and came out with this Delaware stout. Made with roasted chicory, organic Mexican coffee, and licorice root, this brew is rich and spiced, with a definite coffee aftertaste and even a hint of cloves. Visit dogfish.com to find distributors in your area.

5 JUST PLAIN UNQUE: Rogue Chipotle Ale I From the home of the brewpub, this Oregon ale is made with chipotle chilies for a smoky, slightly bitter flavor. You barely taste the chipotle ... at first. Just wait-you get a nice little kick about five seconds after you swallow. Look for the brew in most liquor stores.


Time 26%
Pedialyte or Gatorade 18%
Hair of the dog (more beer) 16%
Plenty of water 14%
Diner food (cheeseburger and shake) 8%
Vitamin 5%
Tomato juice 3%
Steam room/hot shower 2%
Soup 2%
Pizza 2%
other 4%

NEW ARTICLE Below to incorporate

Take heed all you beer lovers. It is now a proven fact that beer -- yes, BEER -- can provide the same health benefits as wine. No matter what type of ale you prefer, studies show that drinking beer in moderation (up to 2 drinks a day for us guys) can and will reduce your chances of strokes, as well as heart and vascular disease.

It's called the French Paradox -- the link between the low rate of heart disease among the French and their fat-laden diet was a daily dosage of red wine. Well, there's no denying the results of that study. But what the public doesn't know is that the health value of beer has been known, documented and applied for centuries. But there are folks out there who don't want you to know about it (I wonder why).

wine vs. beer

According to Mr. Jim Anderson, wine connoisseur, "When you compare the raw ingredients that go into wine and beer, you'll find that wine, on one hand, is made purely from grapes, water and yeast. Grapes are a fine source of sugars, fiber and chromium, but few of those things survive the fermentation and filtering process. Yeast has loads of complex B vitamins, but again, they do not appear in the final product due to filtering."

Beer, on the other hand, is made from grains, water and yeast. Grains commonly used are barley and wheat (with cheaper, mass-produced beers relying on corn and rice), both of which are loaded with a variety of vitamins that survive the fermentation and filtering process. And the vitamin value of the yeast is conserved in the hundreds of unfiltered beers that are on the market -- both on tap and in bottles.

interesting tidbits about beer

Tidbit #1
In November of 1999, The New England Journal of Medicine stated that light to moderate beer drinkers would decrease their chances of suffering a stroke by 20%. They also stated that those who drink one beer a day compared to those who drink one beer a week experience no difference in reducing stroke risks.

Tidbit #2
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (May 1999) reported that consuming moderate amounts of beer would lower one's chances of coronary heart disease by 30-40%, compared to those who don't drink at all. (Beer contains a similar amount of 'polyphenols' -- antioxidants -- as red wine and 4-5 times as many polyphenols as white wine).

Tidbit #3
Alcohol has also been attributed to increasing the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) in the bloodstream, as well as helping to decrease blood clots.

Tidbit #4
Beer contains vitamin B6, which prevents the build-up of the amino acid homocysteine, that has been linked to heart disease. Those of us who have high levels of homocysteine are usually more prone to an early onset of heart and vascular disease.

Tidbit #5
A new study performed at the TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute in Utrecht indicates that those who drink beer had no increase in their homocysteine level, but those who drank wine or liquor had an increase of up to 10%.

Tidbit #6
Beer provides a 30% increase in vitamin B6 into the blood plasma -- something that neither wine nor any other liquor can do.

Tidbit #7
Beer is both fat-free and cholesterol-free.

Tidbit #8
Beer has a relaxing effect on the body thereby reducing stress and helping you sleep better.

Tidbit #9
Beer has proven to have positive effects on elderly people. It helps promote blood vessel dilation, sleep and urination.

what exactly is beer?

An average beer contains the following:

0 mg cholesterol
0 g fat
13 g carbohydrate
25 mg sodium
protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins B, B2, and B6

Sounds too good to be true? Not really. Considering beer was first used as a homeopathic remedy back in the good old days of the Egyptian Pharaohs thousands of years ago, things haven't changed much.

The only problem nowadays is the sad fact that several irresponsible people drink more than they should, and sobriety becomes a discarded word. Although I have listed the many good things about beer, there are also several negative aspects that I am obliged to caution you about: liver disease, obesity and alcoholism.

Of course, these adverse reactions would not occur if beer were drunk in moderation. Being responsible is always the key to having fun with friends and enjoying a nice cold glass of beer. I, for one, am going to have a beer and think that over.